Affiliate Disclaimer

Some of the web pages or blog posts on this site contain affiliate links to products and services on other websites. I am always transparent when I use affiliate links on any page or post. I only recommend products or services that I use myself, or have used in the past and would use again.

Having said that, sometimes my pages or posts may have out of date affiliate links for things I would have recommended in the past, but would no longer use. I do my best to monitor pages or posts that need updating, but life gets away from me sometimes.

Blog posts contain information on when the page was last updated so that you can see if it has been checked and updated recently. If you come across a post that has not been updated in quite some time, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] to find out if the content is still relevant.

Occasionally I receive requests from other companies to promote their product or service. I do not promote anything on my site that I have not tested myself. These requests usually get ignored because I do not have time to test them.

Affiliate links mean that if you click on them and subsequently purchase something from that site within a certain time period (often 30 days), then I will receive commission or credit for sending you in that direction. This helps provide my business some passive income to help offset some costs in my business. In future I hope to be able to have enough passive income to allow me more time to produce useful content that will help business owners.

All opinions on this site are solely my own when it comes to products and services, and I aim to be as transparent as possible. If you have any questions about anything I’ve recommended, and want to know more, I’m always available via [email protected].